Thursday, January 07, 2010

ASP.NET MVC Bootstrapper

Thanks to a comment by thangchung in my last post about the global.asax, I’m going to write up a post using a bootstrapper in my global.cs. So what does that mean? Well basically it’s a technique to boot up your mvc app. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create your task interface. Mine looks like this:

public interface IStartUpTask
void Configure();

Pretty simple right? Let’s keep on…

Step 2: Configure StructureMap, otherwise you’re going to have a mess. In my Scan() from my DependencyRegistry, I added x.AddAllTypesOf<IStartUpTask>(); and the completed Scan looks like this:

  Scan(x =>

Step 3: Create the Bootstrapper class. Mine looks like this:

    public class Bootstrapper
static Bootstrapper()

public static void StartUp()
var startUpTasks = ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances<IStartUpTask>();

foreach (var task in startUpTasks)

The DependencyRegistrar mentioned above, I basically stole from the sample code in the ASP.NET MVC in Action book. I made a few modifications, but not much.

Step 4: Configure your configuration files for all the junk you need to start up.

  • Routes - I took my RouteConfigurator and made it implement IStartUpTask and renamed RegisterRoutes to Configure.
  • MvcContrib InputBuilder – Just made a new class that looks like this:
public class MvcContribConfigurer : IStartUpTask
public void Configure()

  • Automapper - I already had a configure, so I just tacked on the : IStartUpTask like this:
    public class AutoMapperConfigurator : IStartUpTask
public void Configure()
Mapper.Initialize(x => x.AddProfile<MyProfile>());

  • ControllerFactory – I created a new class for it and it looks like this:
 public class ControllerConfigurer : IStartUpTask
public void Configure()
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new ControllerFactory());

That’s it! So essentially the Global.cs went from this:

protected void Application_Start()
new RouteConfigurator().RegisterRoutes();
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new ControllerFactory());

to this:

        protected void Application_Start()

Pretty cool stuff! Thanks thangchung for bringing it up!

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